Hi all, I decided to start up a blog after talking to one of my best friends (Sam) about breastfeeding and the way he convinced me to breastfeed so quickly!!
The conversation went something like this:
Sam: "So are you planning to BF?"
Me: "Yep!"
Sam: "Wow! Well done, I feel like I've done my part to promote breastfeeding now!!"
It was an awe-inspiring moment *wipes tear from eye*...but moving on..
I also thought it was a fantastic idea for somewhere to write all my feelings/symptoms/news/activity/boring rants/exciting findings down and it gave me the option to give family (spread around the world) a bit of an insight, perhaps more detailed or random (maybe a little bit crazy) into my life and our day to day experiences...
I'll start from the beginning, shall I?!
We were trying to conceive, no dilly-dallying about it, I won't lie, we wanted to. I won't say that Bean is an accident simply to set people's mind at ease, because he or she (or they) are not! Also the term 'accident' brings hilarious images into my head about me walking into the bedroom, tripping over - I won't go into detail because our parents may be reading this - and somehow finding myself impregnated! That or Alex having such awesome powers that he winked at me and immediately fertilised an egg inside of me...
(I should also mention for those that don't know me well...this could get graphic...I have the tendency to say exactly what's on my mind at a given time, and sometimes it's not pretty...*shakes head* So be warned: No faffing shall occur in this blog!)
Anyway; it was our first month and from probably 7/8 days after ovulation I started needing to pee, having bouts of mild nausea in the evenings, drinking LOADS more water (I was finishing bottles!! :O) my boobs were ridiculously sore and HUGE...I was craving oranges....and I was cramping, just a little bit, every day. I did a test at 8dpo and thought I saw the FAINTEST line in the world, even Alex wasn't sure! So I waited. Waited. Waited. And then we bought some more tests (First Response Early Result incase anyone's wondering :)) at 11dpo....I was saving them until the next morning, but I was sat in bed, on the computer doing some research on my symptoms, talking to some friends and I started need a wee.
It was Friday the 9th of October 2009, 3am in the morning and I'd peed 2 hours earlier, I'd drunk some water so I didn't think a test would be accurate.... I did have four though...I sat and wiggled and decided I couldn't wait a few more hours and I'd try a test anyway. So I did it, sat and watched the dye come up...the control line appeared, very faint...I thought that was it. Then I noticed the shadow of a line at the test area, it got darker, I could see it without tilting the test in the light! Just a little bit shocked I stood there for a minute and then ran in to Alex, who was sleeping (poor thing!) I left the hallway light on and handed the test to him, he could see the line without his glasses and in the (basic) dark! I still thought I was seeing things!
Well it was our positive and I did one the next day which was VERY dark, definitely a positive. I was shocked it had happened so quickly, but obviously excited!
Working out from dates, my EDD is approx (that's why it's estimated isn't it!) 21st of June 2010! On the 9th of October I was 3 weeks and 4 days. :)
Anyway, so that's the basic story, I will bore you no further (for now!) well done if you got through all that! (I know it's a bit tedious in parts!) I will update soon! Love all!
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