Oh and to top it off, I asked the lady in the birthing centre at the hospital if they do waterbirths and got a "No!" like I was being ridiculous even considering it... WTF? I'm tempted to just do it at home, if I'm not going to be able to do what I want for MY labour and people are going to try (yes TRY) to tell me what to do (good luck suckers). Oh. My. God. It's times like these I wish I were still in the UK; a 20 minute walk down the road, free urine and blood tests to confirm the pregnancy and referral to a midwife. Easy. Freaking. Peasy.
Grr. Anyway, so aside from people clearly trying to wind the pregnant girl up; I've been using retail therapy to calm my nerves...Bit worried I'm going to become reliant on it to stay sane (bit like a drug!) but at least I'm getting some good deals!!! *Thumb up - Cheesy grin*
I've bought some second hand newborn outfits - just basic stuff, sleepwear, body suits etc etc... I did treat myself to some cheapy girls clothes (sleepsuits with butterflies on etc) nothing TOO bad, so lets just watch Bean jingle his penis on the ultrasound screen to spite me!! Haha! At the end of the day we can always sell all the girly things and buy loads of DUNGAREES - I love dungarees, there will be a plentiful supply of them no matter what sex Bean (or Beans - why do I keep thinking twins???) is. :)
I also bought a tigger toy second hand- nabbed it before someone else came along and said "Oh, I really wanted that..." I did feel a pang of guilt and considered letting her have it, but as Alex said "It's our job to fight for stuff for our Bean, if she got there too late she needs to hurry up next time!!!" TBH I have been in the same position and I don't expect people to give up their wins just because "I wanted it so much!" so....Good Luck next time!! :P
Other than my slightly out of control buying, I've been sorting out our registries...At the moment I'm sticking with Babies R Us and Target (Target has stuff cheap and some things that Babies R Us doesn't carry..) and actually doing quite well at picking things. My normal routine would be "I like that! But that one's nice too...So's that one!" and the registries just end up being a jumble of about 10 of the same (albeit ever so slightly different) items....I'm doing WELL. Plus I've picked out a breast pump that looks real good!! Yay!!
We also went out shopping yesterday, which was awesome, just to get out of the house (though I started to feel like I could fall asleep at my usual time of 8pm!!!) I got some stretchy pants because my jeans don't fit comfortably now(!) and some Bert's Bees Belly Oil :D Exciting stuff!! PLUS I got a freebie pack from the maternity shop! Moisturiser (which I found out I'm allergic to last night *DOH*) nappy cream, Colgate wisp toothbrush sample and....wait for it.....YES, some Preparation H wipes!! Oh well, you never know when your veins might start popping out of your bum.
Anyway, after that boring reel of information (I'm TIRED, lol, Tiny Bean takes a lot out of me...) here's some pictures to gawp at! Have fun!!! :D
(DPO means days past ovulation btw!)
8DPO: Barely anything, but there's SOMETHING..
12DPO: OMFG. A line!
13DPO: Definitely a line!!
My stomach at 3+4:
My stomach at 5+1!:
So there you have it so far! I'm going to pack up and go to bed...Bean has worn me out today! Plus the crazy waiter we had at the restaurant today (I had some yummy Lobster Ravioli! Mmmm!) who was singing operatically behind us... WEIRD. He did have a somewhat good voice though....It just freaked me out a bit. =/ So I will post a much better post soon! And hopefully something exciting and positive will have happened by then!!
Thanks for reading. :)